How To Get Guys to Buy You Drinks on a Night Out

December 15, 2008


            When the week finally comes to an end, you and your girls always look forward to the weekend. You’re ready to go out with your girls. You and the girls might want to stay in and have a couple cocktails at home, but when you’re ready to party, you’re going to want to party big. It’s the weekend and you don’t have to work. The club and bar scene are a must for you and your girls. You get to look sexy, meet boys, and get those free drinks.

            James Horton III, a bartender at Fajita Fiesta Bar and Grill and Club M in Fresno, Calif. suggests that if you wear just the right outfit and add that spunky personality, you will get drinks coming your way. “I have definitely tried these methods. I was so surprised to see drinks coming to me,” says Sara, a college student.

            Keep in mind that your targets are men who have no respect for women. “I only try and get free drinks when a guy looks at something else other than my face,” says Lindsay, a college student. Why not be a pro at going all out on a weekend but saving your money at the same time, since we all know how pricey drinks can be. Here are some guidelines to follow.



A Simple Conversation


Step 1

When you see a guy sitting by himself at a bar, scope him out to make sure he isn’t creepy, then approach him and immediately give him a smile and say hello. Upon him saying hello back, ask him a question about what he’s drinking. That should break the ice. Make sure you bring good conversation to the table; you want to keep him interested. Be a little flirty, but not too flirty. You don’t want to come off as easy or desperate. In that case he would probably think that he could take you home without even trying to get you some drinks to “loosen you up,” in guy terms.


Step 2

Once knowing you have his attention and he seems into you, ask who he is here with and what he is doing after. He will think you might invite him to wherever you are going. He will ask you why you haven’t ordered a drink yet. Simply say you’re unsure of what you want to drink. Of course, he is going to act as if he knows every drink at the bar.


Step 3

Even if you know what drinks he is talking about, act like you’ve never had it. He will keep on going on what drinks you should get. You then tell him to surprise you. More than likely, he will go for a drink that can get you drunk quickly. Question that you might not like the drink, and that you don’t want to pay for a drink you might not like. He will say, “it’s ok, I got it.”

“As a bartender I see this all the time. This actually works,” says James.


Step 4

You get your drink. You act like it’s the best thing you ever had. Just boost up his little ego a bit. You must go by the rules; you must stay and talk to him for a couple minutes if it’s a bar, or a whole song if you are at a club. Say you have to get back to your friends. Make sure you thank him again. Before he begins talking to you and getting your number, walk away as if you are being rushed. But if you like the guy, stay, mingle and have a great time getting to know him.


Get a Drink for Him


Step 1

When entering the bar or club, just hang with your girlfriends and wait for a guy to approach you. Knowing he approached you immediately gives you the upper hand. Now you know he finds you attractive and he thinks he has game.  He will begin a conversation trying to get to know more about you; he wants your number. “If he asks for my number and I don’t want to give it to him, I ask him to give me his and that I will call,” says Sara, “Of course I know that’s not going to happen.” Talk to him, act like you’re interested and let him believe he has the upper hand at this moment.


Step 2

Begin discussing drinks. Ask him what he’s drinking, let him know you’re thirsty, and say, “What does a girl got to do to get a drink around here?”

            “This is the most frequent line that I hear at the bar,” says James.

Remember he thinks he is slick. He will try to get out of it by saying he knew that is exactly what you wanted and that he isn’t going to fall for it. Let him say all he wants about that. Just simply smile, giggle, and act surprised.


Step 3

Since he pretty much accuses you of talking to him to get a free drink from him, act appalled as if you can’t believe he would think that. Tell him he is wrong, and that if you wanted a drink, you can get it yourself. You don’t need a man to buy your drinks. Then you flip it around on him and say, “Come with me. Let’s go to the bar and I’ll get you a drink.” You will sacrifice buying one drink. When you buy him his drink, let him know that not only do you not need a man to buy you a drink, but you can even buy them for him. This is my favorite method to use. Trust me, girls this one, always works.


Step 4

He will look at you in surprise and tell you he has never had a girl buy him a drink. He will be speechless, and think you are Miss Independent. After what you told him, he is going to want to show his manhood now. It is guaranteed he will be buying you drinks the rest of the night. If you didn’t succeed in this method, it’s fine. Keep your head up. This was a risk you were willing to take.


Oh No, My Money


Step 1

Before you walk over to the bar, take your money out of your purse and give it to one of your girlfriends. Let her hold it in case the method doesn’t come through. Remember you only do this method if the guy was disrespectful to you in any way.


Step 2

Walk over to the bar, make eye contact, give him a nice smile and make small talk. While you are both talking, order the drink of your choice. Remember you must keep talking until your drink arrives. “I really like this one because when you order your drink, he will ask you what you ordered to talk to you,” says Lindsay.


Step 3

The bartender gives you your drink and tells you the price. Take your purse and look through it as if searching for your money. He will probably ask you what’s wrong and if everything is fine. Look a little irritated; tell him you just lost your money. Tell the bartender to hold on for a second while you find your money.  The guy will stop you and say he will pay. He will feel bad that you just got your money stolen and he will want to keep you from leaving.

            “I remember one time I did this and the guy I was trying to get to buy me a drink actually had his buddy buying him drinks. He told me he would have paid, but he was broke. That just made it easier for me to leave. I mean come on, he can’t even buy his own drinks!” says Sara.


Step 4

Be very grateful with him and tell him you will pay him back. He will probably say, “No, it’s on him.” Thank him again, and begin talking about your money being lost. This is your chance to get away. You tell him you have to go find it and ask your girls if they have it. Of course, that is really you saying, “Bye, sucker.”

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